IT CLUB (Analytic Avengers) Research club (R & D Club) - Clubs | Top MBA Institute in NCR| Top MBA Institute in NCR
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Research club (R & D Club)

Research club (R & D Club)

Creating a Research club within an MBA program can provide students with opportunities to engage in academic inquiry, collaborate on research projects, and develop critical thinking and analytical skills.:


President: Responsible for leading the club, setting goals, and overseeing research activities.

Secretary: Handles communication, maintains records, and coordinates meetings and research activities.

Event Coordinator: Plans and organizes research-related events, such as seminars, workshops, and conferences.

Additional Members: Depending on the size and scope of research activities, additional members may be appointed to support specific research projects or initiatives.


Membership: Open to all MBA students with an interest in photography, regardless of skill level or experience.

Meetings: Hold regular meetings to discuss research topics, share progress on projects, and plan future activities.

Communication: Utilize email, messaging platforms, or social media to keep members informed about research opportunities, events, and relevant resources.

Collaboration: Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing among members, fostering a supportive and intellectually stimulating research community.

Academic Integrity: Emphasize the importance of upholding ethical standards and academic integrity in all research activities, including proper citation and acknowledgment of sources.


Research Workshops: Offer workshops on research methodology, literature review, data collection and analysis, and academic writing.

Research Seminars: Organize seminars or panel discussions featuring faculty members, industry experts, or graduate students presenting their research findings and insights.

Research Symposium: Host a research symposium where members can showcase their research projects through poster presentations, oral presentations, or panel discussions.

Research Collaboration Projects: Facilitate collaborative research projects among club members, focusing on topics of mutual interest or relevance to their academic or professional goals.

Journal Club: Establish a journal club where members meet regularly to discuss and critically evaluate recent research articles in their field of interest.

Research Networking Events: Organize networking events or mixers to connect club members with faculty members, researchers, and industry professionals who share similar research interests.

Publication Support: Offer guidance and support to members interested in publishing their research findings in academic journals, including assistance with manuscript preparation and submission.

Research Club Team

Club Name President Secretary Members Faculty Coordinator
R & D Club Shalini Chauhan Narendra Nath Anurag Updhayay, Sneha Suman & Shreya Dr. A.H.khan & Dr. Anurag Joshi